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So wonderful to see the fruits of their labour

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

After reading my blogpost, a brother whom I met at a Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship, Freehold Tan wrote: "I agree 100% with your suggestion. I've forwarded your article to my church group and FGB group., hopefully everyone will plant some papaya trees in their compound. God bless you!"

It was encouraging to read that seven years ago, he helped a friend to plant a durian orchard in Hulu Langat. Now, the orchard has 50 trees of Musang King, 20 trees of Teka and 10 trees of Black Thorns. The trees are fruiting now.

Two weeks ago, I harvested one kg of chillies.

Another sister, Grace Wang sent me pictures of what she has been cultivating. She wrote, "Today's harvest." Her husbands supplies an organic agroproduct to farmers which helps to improve absorption of nutrients in the roots.

A sister from Sarawak, Hellen Gurmek who studied theology together with me, responded with a photograph of the durians which she has just harvested. The trees are a legacy from her late father's efforts.

She then sent me another picture to show me the joy of having her harvest of soursop. Anyone cares to try?

Some of Hellen and her husband, Kenneth Silek's plants also produce beautiful flowers which are edible.

It is so amazing to see the responses from more people. A sister, Esther Lim also sent me some pictures. She has also started planting some melons from a flower pot.

Melon grown in a flower pot

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