Colin Ng Soon Beng
"Mr Stevie Wonder of Malaysia"

Professional info
Colin Ng Soon Beng was born in 1983 with multiple disabilities. One of his disabilities is blindness with only 4% light perception when he was young. He is now completely blind.
But his abilities are simply incredible that he is able to listen to a photostating machine and tell you what brand it is. If a car passes by, and you ask him, "What car is it, Colin?" he would tell you, "This is Proton Aeroback 1980 model."
At the age of three, his mother, Janet Ooi discovered that her son was musically-inclined when Colin played a piece of music by Klaus Wunderlich, a German composer at the age of 3 years using the musical calculator. From a very young age, Colin was able to play an entire song by just listening to the song once. He does this even now. Just play him any song, and he will be able to play it back for you.
Colin completed his Diploma in Music in 2003, before pursuing his Bachelor of Music from a local institution of higher learning. He graduated in 2006. Today, he is the first and only blind person in Malaysia who holds a degree in music from a local university-college.
Raised singlehandedly by his mother, Colin's father passed in January 2007, just six months after Colin graduated. With the help of Stephen Ng (now an independent media consultant), Colin was often featured in the newspapers and on TV news.
When Stephen first met Colin, Colin was still in primary school. He was indeed mesmerised by Colin's ability to play back the song from Titanic, "My Heart Will Go On" after playing the song from a CD once. To Stephen, Colin is the Stevie Wonder of Malaysia.
However, it is regretted that despite Colin's musical talent, he is hardly given the platform to perform in major concerts or company events. A whole night of his performance during the company dinner, for example, is enough to give everyone a memorable experience with this unique talent that God has blessed him with.
Work experience

2010 - present
2010 - present