My Consultancy
& Brief Profile
By Stephen Ng
You are receiving this brief profile of myself because I believe I can contribute a lot to your organisation.
These are my areas of strength:
Networking with people from all walks of life
Media work
CSR events
Innovative ideas
Transformative Marketing
I am looking at making the fullest use of my remaining years to be productive like before.
At the same time I need to generate enough income to support my two children's university education. One wants to be a doctor, the other a veterinarian.
It is tough at 62, having to cook and ferry two growing-up teenagers around, while at the same time, doing what I enjoy the most - writing biographies and autobiographies for Malaysians and Singaporeans. Wife works full time from her office.
Please assess and if you see there is something interesting from my accumulated experience over the past 40 years, please let me know. I am available on a consultancy basis at the budget that you suggest. I will need several consultancy jobs to keep my lifestyle pre-Covid pandemic.
Brief biodata
Bachelor of Science (majoring in Chemistry) Monash
Diploma, Chartered Institute of Marketing
Completed five out of six modules on Certified Financial Planning
Master's degree
Doctoral programme (currently pursuing)
Chemical industry
From Assistant Chemist and Chemist (Ink) to Factory Management (Assistant Production Manager - paint)
to Laboratory Manager / Technical Service Manager (Emulsion Polymers with Union Polymers, a subsidiary of Union Carbide) and Sales Manager (Water Treatment)
Some noteworth achievements:
(a) turnaround Doverchem Industries (given a special trip to Indonesia and feted by the chairman's own son in an expensive restaurant in Jakarta).
(b) development of a breakthrough an emulsion polymer product M610 that was supplied to ICI Paints. The innovative idea came from yours truly. This product used Shell's VEOVA, but the cost of M610 was substantially lower than the original product which was developed in the R&D lab in the US. Impact on business: at least one tanker load every other day. Previously, before I joined, ICI Paints had severed all ties with Union Polymers.
These are the exact words of Regional Director during our regional meeting: "Before this, Union Polymers did not supply even a single drop of emulsion to ICI, but now, they are delivering tanker loads almost every other day." Credit should also go to my chemist who implemented the idea and tested the product. He was initially very apprehensive with my idea as it was out of the blue.
(c) refining a pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) developed by Union Carbide Asia Pacific (UCAP) technical laboratory in Singapore. We managed to solve a major problem which made it difficult initially for us to break through the PSA industry.
(d) turnaround of Chemical Laboratory (Chemical division)
Higher Education Industry
Senior Marketing Manager (Monash), Director of Corporate Communications (SEGi) and Director of Corporate Communications (UCSI).
My portfolio includes marketing of higher education, Corporate Social Responsibility, event management and media publicity.
Some notetable achievements​​
(a) Monash Malaysia was a new entity in Malaysia and hardly known back in 1999 when I joined. As a result of my efforts, the hype around Monash Malaysia began to steal the heart of many parents.
A lot of publicity about Monash appeared in newspapers, TV and radio. Many of our lecturers were being intereviewed on radio and by the print media.
Another major breakthrough I had was when I came out with the idea of putting together all eight campuses of Monash University where the Malaysia campus was seen as one of the campuses of the one university based in Australia. From then on, parents could differentiate between twinning programmes and a local Monash campus in Malaysia.
In one particular year, I came out with the idea of working in collaboration with Tourism Malaysia to ride on their Mega Fam where some 8 journalists from India, Sri Lanka, China, Brunei and Indonesia were all invited. They were my contacts developed whenever I travelled to these countries (except China) to do international recruitment of students. I always made it a point to visit the houses.
These journalists were invited to visit Monash to write about edu-tourism in Malaysia. All expenses were paid for by collaborators such as Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel, Sunway Lagoon, Sunway University and Tourism Malaysia.
Although the approved budget was RM10,000, I surprised my immediate superior the Pro Vice Chancellor that Monash only had to spend some RM200 for a lunch for the journalists. All the other expenses were covered by the sponsors. Although I wanted to promote Monash within a modern city so that parents felt safe for their children to study here in Malaysia.
Lots of CSR events and innovative ideas that made Monash a household name. This includes, "From Legend to Legend: Conquering New Frontiers", "Special Tour for Wheelchair People" , "Robotic Lion Dance" among others. In fact, I should say too many to mention, as I could easily whip up an event with my network of friends via either SMS or email. ​
b) SEGi: formerly Systematic, it was one of the institutions that people choose to go only when they cannot enter any other colleges. When it first changed its name, noone even knew what it was: Segitiga or Segiempat? Its CEO was from Sarawak was totall insignificant, and hardly known to journalists. Through my media work, he became known.
For one of the graduation ceremonies of Summit, for the first time, they had a member of the Selangor royal family (sister to the current sultan) as the guest-of-honour.
I was the one who placed SEGi in the local media.
(c) UCSI: Same with Sedaya College, as it was seen as a second class college. When they moved to a new building and was given the university college status, the name UCSI was introduced, and I was the one who created the hype for UCSI in its early years.
I conceptualised the UCSI edu-van and its edu-jays which became a celebrity guest at school special events.
Lots of media pubicity based on the CSR events that I whipped up. Among the more notable ones: Wheelchair Marathon featuring Ras Adiba Radzi, where we had two ministers cheerleading the convoy.
Part time Journalist with Malay Mail, New Straits Times, Star, Bernama (short stint), Green Prospects Asia, Malaysian Business, ASEAN Entrepreneurs, Malaysiakini, Focus Malaysia.
Book Authorship
Written at least 17 or 18 books now.
My Strengths
Writing for the press
Networking (over 10,000 names on my address book)
Passion in everything that I do
Innovative Ideas
If you are serious about hiring me on a retainer basis, please let me know your budget and expectations before we proceed to discuss further. I need to be able to allocate my time.
2010 - present
2010 - present